Price: $5.45

HOLSTEX® thermoform sheet is one of the most advanced materials available for holster and sheath making use. This texture variant is called, "Basketweave", and features a 3D textured surface that is compatible with the basketweave textures commonly seen on Law Enforcement belts, Police duty gear, and other custom leather items. HOLSTEX® Basketweave texture is a revolutionary step forward in the available texture options for professional sheath and holster makers. It is available in multiple thicknesses and colors, and is offered in format sizes up to 4 x 8 foot sheets.

The 3D texture on HOLSTEX® Basketweave is a raised surface texture and does not distort or fade with forming. HOLSTEX® basketweave forms exceptionally well at normal thermoforming temperatures (325ºF - 375ºF). It does not distort at the higher ends of the heating range, and can be easily molded using both press-form and vacuum-forming equipment.

Product Specifications
HOLSTEX® Basketweave
Premium DIY Thermoform Sheet
Texture (Front/Rear) = Basketweave/Smooth
Thickness = .125
Size: 8 x 12 inch sheet
Color - Hunter Orange

Some images below may show this texture in other colors. Please check the main product image and/or specifications for the the actual color.

We offer custom colors, prints, thicknesses and cuts on all thermoform materials. If you have a special project need, please contact us for assistance and/or details.


Manufacturer: HOLSTEX®

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