FL006 Frame Lock Folding Knife Kit and Builder Upgrade Options


This frame lock folding knife kit model is called the "FL006". The FL006 folding knife kit makes a fantastic personal pocket knife with a frame locking design. This frame lock knife kit model is an excellent piece for filework training, experimental liner treatments and overlay design. Because of the base simplicity, this pocket knife kit model is also great as a learning aide for beginners, requiring no modification to produce a great knife. This folding knife kit has different handle options for added customization for the knife kit builder. Use any knife handle scale blanks, or choose from the pre-milled versions that we offer. If you ever wanted to learn how to make a folding knife, consider the FL006 folding knife kit. This frame lock knife kit represents the very best in folding knife kit design and knife making materials.
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*FL006 - Frame Lock Folding Knife Kit - (w/Cocobolo Dymondwood Handles)

The FL006 Frame Lock Folding Knife Kit includes all the parts needed to create the above…

FL006 -- Purpleheart Scales

Purpleheart is a highly desirable and expensive wood used in jewelry, musical instruments, fine inlays and knife handle…

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