Knife Making Parts | Universal Pocket Knife Replacement Clips For Sale | 30 Models | Free Shipping at offers over 30 different knife pocket clip models. From micro clips that work with small pocket knives to fold-over and pivot adjustment replacement folding knife clips, we stock the most sizes, shapes and finishes for professional custom knife makers and diy knife kit builders. Many of brand pocket clips work great for replacement clips. If you are looking for a replacement pocket clip to repair a favorite knife that you own, many of our pocket clip designs feature standard knife clip mounting hole patterns that can be used with your knife model.

KnifeKits also carries the tools and screws that you need to take on any pocket clip mounting project, whether you are adding a new pocket clip to your existing knife, or doing a pocket clip repair job on one of grandfather's favorites. We feature a full line of knife making drill and tap combos to ensure that you have the tools needed to mount or repair any knife clip.

All of our pocket clips are designed to maximize their mounting hole sizes and screw head coverage. This assists the clip and ensures that it is more secure and stable on your knife. We offer our pocket clips in a number of standard finishes, from satin finish to bead-blasted. We also offer both stainless and black coated finishes on many of the pocket knife clips that we sell.

For details or additional images of our pocket clip models, please choose the pocket clip design from the images below:

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