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Fixed Blade - Kit Building Basics (Delta 5)
Follow the world's…
Learn the secrets of Japanese Cord Wrapping with a professional custom knife maker, Kirby Lambert…
Learn basic Paracord wrapping techniques from Phil Hine. Watch and learn as Phil demonstrates two of…
Learn the secrets of automatic knife conversion as you follow the steps of converting an…
These are commercial grade pallet edge protectors. They can be used for tons of applications, but their primary…
NOTE: This is a hand-picked variety box. Care has been taken to ensure that…
Note: With a .300 inch head diameter, these do not…
Note: With a .300 inch head diameter, these do not…
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is Grade B material. It has all of the same characteristics of our top…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(Note: This material is Grade A material. It is value priced due…
(IMPORTANT NOTE: This is Grade B, scratch-and-dent HOLSTEX® sheet material. It has all of the same characteristics…
(IMPORTANT NOTE: This is Grade B, scratch-and-dent HOLSTEX® sheet material. It has all of the same characteristics…
(IMPORTANT NOTE: This is Grade B, scratch-and-dent material. It has all…
(IMPORTANT NOTE: This is Grade A material. It is an odd…
These handle blanks are pre-machined and slightly over-sized to help improve the process of handle finishing…
These handle blanks are pre-machined and slightly over-sized to help improve the process of handle finishing…
These handle blanks are pre-machined and slightly over-sized to help improve the process of handle finishing…
Damascus Kitchen - Machined Handle Set - Small
Laminated Regal Wood - Black - (fits steak/paring…
These handle blanks are pre-machined and slightly over-sized to help improve the process of handle…
Please note: These clips are not Grade A and are being offered as…
This mosaic pinstock is being offered as a shop special due to misalignment of…
This stud was designed for minimum space in a folder assembly. This assembly works for a…
This stud was designed for minimum space in a folder assembly. This assembly works for a…
This stud was designed for minimum space in a folder assembly. This assembly works for a…
This is our precision pass-through "D-Style" pivot assembly, designed and manufactured by Darrel Ralph. This model can…
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