Bloodwood Knife Handle Material Scales and Blocks at


Being an extremely dense wood, Bloodwood serves as a more than reliable material for any knife handle application. Hardwood flooring, furniture, fine musical instruments, custom trims and knife handle materials are just a few of the common uses for the extremely versatile Bloodwood. Bloodwood is known for its luxurious red finish and offers a look like none other. Spend a couple hours in the shop to reward yourself with a beautiful professional look on your next knife handle project. Our Bloodwood knife handle material has been resin stabilized under pressure to ensure maximum durability and preserve natural beauty.
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Bloodwood - Handle Block - (6.25 x 1.5 x 1.5)

Being an extremely dense wood, Bloodwood serves as a more than reliable material for any knife handle application.…

Bloodwood - Handle Scale Set - (6.0 x 1.5 x 0.25)

Being an extremely dense wood, Bloodwood serves as a more than reliable material for any application. Hardwood flooring,…

Bloodwood - Handle Scale Set - (Presentation Grade) - (5.0 x 1.5 x 0.25)

Being an extremely dense wood, Bloodwood serves as a more than reliable material for…

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