Juniper Wood Knife Handle Material Scales and Blocks at


Juniper is an extremely light wood yet is durable enough to make unique knife handles. The longevity and versatility of Juniper make it a sought after material for knife handle applications. Using these Juniper knife handle blocks for the highlight of your next project will give it a unique and professional look. Our Juniper knife handle material has been resin stabilized under pressure to ensure maximum durability and to preserve its natural beauty.
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Juniper Wood - Handle Block - (Stabilized) - (6.0 x 1.62 x 1.37)

Juniper is an extremely light wood yet is durable enough to make unique knife handles. The longevity and…

Juniper Wood - Handle Block - (Stabilized) - (Dyed) - Orange - (6.0 x 1.62 x 1.50)

Juniper is an extremely light wood yet is durable enough to make unique knife handles. The longevity…

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