Mexican Cocobolo is a true rosewood and one of the world’s most attractive exotic woods. Its incredible hardness and density, combined with its deeper color tones, including shades of dark orange, deep yellow, burnt red, and rich brown tones, make it a favorite among knife makers around the world. Mexican Cocobolo wood stands up extremely well to repeated handling and exposure to moisture. These traits, plus its natural hardness, make it an excellent choice for use in gun grips and knife handles. Mexican Cocobolo wood knife handle blocks machine very well and can be polished to a lustrous, glass-like finish. The block format allows you to maximize the use, and value of the material, as it can be used as a full piece (for hidden tang designs) and will produce multiple book matched handle scale sets.
The use of personal protective equipment when machining this wood is highly recommended. Try some of our Mexican Cocobolo on your next knife handle project and reward your finished work with the performance and presentation that it deserves.
Mexican Cocobolo Wood
Handle Block
(5" x 1.5" x 1.25")(1)
Block# 0521175